The sky is falling and I am frantically chasing bits and pieces, trying to put it together again. Most probably you are unaware of my supernatural power since its not something I normally share. A few chosen ones may have seen thru my clever disguise, but for the most part it has been a well kept secret. Lately I must confess, its become a lot harder to keep it all together. Perhaps you've noticed some empty spaces, easy to mistake for a wayward cloud, or distant fog. The reality is I am not as perfect as I once was. I used to be able to fix it with one hand tied behind my back. A little wave here, a determined point there, and with nary a worry all was made beautiful again. Nowadays its not so simple having such a big responsibility, knowing the balance of the world rests on my shoulders. Imagine. If not for the vast horizon, how would we know where the earth begins? A confusing concept, more so if you think too long. An unraveling sky is actually normal. With so many people around, things are bound to come apart. My job can be overwhelming at times, but somebody has to do it. I was actually chosen because of my amazing ability to organize and multitask. A great combination needed for fitting pieces correctly, while dodging birds and other assorted flying objects. Of course this along with my powerful magic made me the best candidate. The problem is I have become tired. I don't know if the sky has gotten bigger, or me smaller. Suddenly, there doesn't seem enough to go around. It was one thing to be Sky Keeper, when it was just myself to concentrate on. Now I have 3 children, animals, a home, and a multitude of responsibilities all vying for my attention. Throw in an extra windy day, and I'm in serious trouble. I certainly don't mean to complain. There is already a lot of that going around. Something has to give, and I don't want it to be me. Thank goodness for my wings, repairs were a lot harder when I couldn't fly. My children will soon be able to help. Although still young in the ways of enchantment, we are a close family and know how to stick together. I am sure before long, I won't be so alone up there. Carrying the hope of the world will be much easier with a little assistance. Who knows, maybe people will wake up and we can all work together.
I believe there is more than enough magic to go around.
Sky Keeper