Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Longest Minute

In the last week, I have heard the unfortunate news of three very sad passings, all somehow connected to me by close friends and family. All were beloved sons, welcomed and greatly loved.  Their brief time ending much too soon, forever changing the lives of those left behind. Each story uniquely different.  
The first, a charismatic young man in his 20's, strong and healthy, he was in the prime of his life.  His greatest joy was to travel all over the world exploring our majestic planet, his spirit an adventurous one. Known by many for his passion for humanity and his vision of a healthy earth.  He died in an accident while backpacking in Norway.    
The second was a young man who was also in his 20's. His life being very different, as he was born with Muscular Dystrophy. He actually lived longer then expected. Every night his mother would carefully turn him over to help ease his pain and discomfort while he slept. By the time he passed away, he could barely move his hand to control his wheelchair. His family, especially his mother, made sure his days were filled with all the beauty and learning he could be surrounded with, a life very full for someone with such devastating health problems.
 The third, a newborn baby boy, born in mid September to my younger cousin in California. A celestial child, radiant and filled with the spirit of Pure Love and Innocence. This sweet angel came into our world with many serious health issues, and sadly, was not meant to bless us with his presence for long. Living only for a brief time, he gently touched the heart of every person he met, including his fleeting moments with his brother and sister. Unable to survive in such a fragile body, with great sorrow all those who had dreamed of his arrival and yearned for his existence, were forced to say their good-byes. Long before they even had a chance to see him smile. 
 From the coziness of my world, I watched these sad stories unfold around me, each of these young souls completely different in how they spent their moments on earth, yet connected by the miracle of their creation and the sacred bonds of family and friends. I saw the sorrow of loved ones from afar, their tears and broken hearts laid bare for all to see. Knowing that no matter how many years, months, days, hours or even minutes we can spend with our beloveds, it will never be enough. Life is precious, and we as human beings are forced to face these heart-rending losses alongside the incredible beauty and joy of being with our cherished ones. I have heard the saying used so many times how, "Life is too short," and perhaps it is, but I would like to challenge you to take this philosophy even further. Imagine, the hours wasted in conflict and disharmony with those we care about and love, amounting to nothing in comparison to the 'Longest Minute in the Universe,' spent gazing into the eyes of our dearest treasures. A simple message from me to you.  Love your children, your family, your sweethearts and friends.
Being able to stretch out each and every magical minute gifted to us into something both special and meaningful, would be a better use of our time and energy, then choosing to waste any one of our valuable moments together in misunderstanding or strife. Its been almost 20 years since I spoke to my father, and yesterday I called to tell him how much I missed having him in my life and how I will always love him. A healing moment for both of us, long overdue. For the three angelic souls who have gone on in their Sacred Journey, thank you for the miracle of your existence. In the briefness of your hours here with us, you have brought great joy and touched the hearts of many. Truly you will be forever missed.
May You Walk In Beauty,