Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Is There a Reason?

"People come into your Life for a Season, a Reason or a Lifetime"
 I heard this quote recently and I keep repeating it over and over in my head.  I find myself reviewing the different people who are currently in my life, trying to categorize them into one of these options.  I wonder if its possible to figure out 'who's Who' now, or if I have to wait until my last days to see the end results.  Perhaps in my later years I will be able to recognize the Lifetime people as those familiar ones who have kicked around the longest.
 Unless, like many things in life, not all is easily clear.  Some relationships can be hard to label.  Perhaps I will discover some of the Life~Timers are really lingering Season~Reason people in disguise, who unknowingly, been secretly planning their escape all along.  Can one really be able to recognize the slight differences between the three?  How long is a season anyways...and does a reason have to be life-changing obvious, or will any small transformation count?  Even more confusing, can they be combined?  What about the people who seem to hit our lives hard and fast, and then disappear off into the sunset.  Obviously ruling out the Lifetime option, leaving us with the question of whether it was a very short Season encounter, or maybe a very fast Reason Agent on a mission so minuscule you hardly noticed what you were supposed to be getting from their comings and goings.   This saying, as you can see, really bothers me.  I find myself suspiciously scrutinizing everybody with narrowed eyes, pondering just how much of myself should I be investing.  I mean if you are a Reason person, then please accomplish your destiny and leave already.  My life is very busy and I would much rather get this assignment over with and hang out with the more enduring Season, Life~Time friends.   No offense, but I somehow think these are the people who can cause huge holes to suddenly appear, where before there was just blank canvas.  Certainly Reason people are valuable, apparently here to gently nudge, shove, encourage or slam dunk us into some sort of epiphany or much needed action.  I imagined Reason people to be the colorful, vibrant ones who burst into our organized lives knocking over our well laid plans and intentions.  This however is not always true.  Sometimes they sneak in quiet and nondescript, slinking in without much fanfare, then fading out, back into the shadows from whence they came, leaving only a faint memory of their touch, and a mystery of WHY they were here in the first place.   Those, I have learned, are the kind you have to most watch out for.
Perchance the biggest dilemma of all, is the fact that nobody distinguishes who they are either.  All of us blundering in and out of each others lives, not knowing what part we are in fact playing.  I am forced to confess to my having been a Season~Reason~Lifetime friend to a countless many, and I'm sure, will be forever moved to do so.  I think it was written somewhere in the small print of our birth contracts to be eternally loyal to the cause of human advancement, sworn, committed and unable to escape this double life we lead.  "Do unto others as you would have done unto you," seems to be the way it all goes down.  If a Reason person strolls into your life,  you unwittingly become a Reason person in theirs, and visa versa.  I would imagine this to be some sort of evolutionary adaptation developed to make the best use of time and space, hopefully hastening our successes as we either move gracefully, or stumble through our life lessons.  Lucky for us we are simultaneously given the chance to learn from each other, weaving in and out of being teachers and students at the same time.
I have come to the conclusion that though there may be a spiritual component to Why, When and How people enter our lives, for the most part I think we are all winging it as we go along.  Following a mixture of intuition, good intentions and satisfying our emotional needs, we enter in and out of relationships wanting things to be a certain way, only to discover all is not as you first hoped, and soon you are on your way out the door with your new identity as "some one's past."   
 Because of these discrepancies, I have decided to act as if I never heard this confounded saying in the first place, choosing to resist from concerning myself with, 'Who is What and for How long.'  I hereby commit to tranquilly accepting everybody into my life for as long as the Universe prescribes.   Either to enjoy the Season of a finely brewed cup of tea.  To learn the Reason for cultivating the many different varieties and ways to plant. Or to embrace a Lifetime of toiling under the sun, side by side, growing our own thriving plantation.
  Either way there is much to be learned as each encounter is hopefully a balanced
 exchange of beauty and wisdom.
  Really quite simple and easy to understand, once you take it totally apart.  No opinion has to be permanent, so upon further reflection, perhaps I may like this saying after all.
In Beautiful Confusion