Sunday, October 10, 2010

Trust ~ It's in the Details

Several years ago when I was going through a hard time, I would seek out affirmations that would help me to feel good and to encourage me to move forward in a positive way.  I would repeat these words over and over until I became convinced of their truth.  One of my favorite affirmations I continue to use
to this day is, "I Trust in the Process of Life."
Seven simple words yet if you think like I do, totally complex in their meaning.  Recently, like in the middle of the night, I came to a sudden realization.  I had understood these words to mean, "Wherever it is I am, I can trust all is working out for the benefit of my total well-being.  My life is part of a divine plan, blessed and guided by God Himself."   You can see why this is one of my most calming beliefs, one in which I have placed a lot of faith.  My interpretation, although lovely to believe and easy on the heart, does seem to carry with it one fatal flaw which I never noticed before, and that is..."If our lives are so beautifully destined, then how do my actions affect the grand picture?  Can I mess everything up with one false step, how do I know whether I am making the right choices?  What if I make a mistake somewhere along the line, and like leaves falling one on top of the other my simple error somehow grows into a considerably large pile of miscalculations taking me further and further from my ultimate good.  Clearly I select from life's ingredients as I go along, a little of this...a whole lot of that...and like a consecrated recipe I arrive fully by my own efforts to a significant spot.  I wonder, "If I am guided by a Superior Power, then should I not also trust my actions are just as divinely inspired?"  
 I know I am far from perfect, nor is it my intention to be so, however for this theory to work, I would have to believe I make no mistakes.  Accepting my destiny is well and good.  Believing I can trust the minuscule designs I create with my daily decisions, knowing they are blessed and part of the great design, would be wonderful.  Recognizing I am part of the sacred thread weaving the strands of my own beautiful tapestry somehow empowers me to look back at my previous steps along the way and see in them the perfect patterns of my choices. 
Trusting, I have discovered, begins with me.
In Sacred Detail