Friday, October 15, 2010

No Need to Ask, I Will Tell you Anyway

     Writing from my heart does make me feel exposed and somewhat vulnerable.  Sharing oneself publicly through the written word can be very intimate. I don't often care what people may think of my views, but I sometimes wonder why I am so open.  Obviously I could keep a private journal if it really bothered me.  I think its in the revealing where I find my satisfaction, almost as if the act of admission makes my feelings and ideas more concrete.  I have a much better understanding of what I am about since I have been confessing...I mean...writing.  Perhaps my dilemma lies in the fact I consider myself to be an open and friendly person, yet reserved and very private.  My mother always told me never to put anything in writing, although I'm sure this is not what she had in mind.  I think this may actually be worse.   
     Lately, when questioning my beliefs, I reflect back on previous blogs as if they were my new manual.  I imagine by boldly declaring my thoughts it somehow makes them more valid.  I admit to being one of those people who talk to myself out loud, it helps me think.  Writing for me does the same thing.  Its a form of group healing, and its free.  Lucky for you I can't seem to write about the 'Beauty in my life,' without balancing it with my personal struggles. One seems to influence the other.    
     I do find great pleasure in my shared  musings, so for all of you ....
~Wonderful Open-Minded People~
who take the time to read my words,
"Thank you from the bottom of my unveiled heart."
Perhaps I should contemplate putting together a Mexican Cookbook instead.  This way I can continue my hobby without disclosing any intimate thoughts.  Maybe I could squeeze in some of my philosophy and not be so obvious, like..."When cooking tortillas be MINDFUL you don't burn them, TRUST your INSTINCTS to know when done, and ENJOY each bite, for LIFE is very SACRED."
Maybe that's too subtle...