Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A New Day

     I hear the soft sounds of nature, the thumping footsteps of my children as they rise, their hushed murmurs greeting each other as they try not to wake me. Smiling I lay here, hoping they will think I am sleeping for just a little longer.
Some days I am more fully aware than others,
today is one of them.
I would like to wish everybody a
'Wonderful Good Morning!
It's A New Day and I am very thankful to be here.'
     Isn't it awe-inspiring how each day looms so huge before us, all possibilities countless and unlimited.  If only we would pause for a minute when we first awake from our hopefully restful slumber, to reflect on what an amazing gift we have been granted.   Some mornings we may feel a certain dread for what lies before us.  Perhaps we have serious business to attend, conflicts to face, or other scenarios we would rather avoid.  Days like those take a certain courage to embrace, and are not always an easy choice to be happy about.  I would like to believe whatever undetermined moments we have yet to encounter, from the time we open our eyes, to our last waking thoughts at night, somewhere in between we will be reminded of the miraculous reality of our existence.
Knowing we have the potential for amazing things doesn't necessarily mean we should feel pressured to perform at our highest capabilities at all times. Personally I take great pleasure in doing absolutely nothing but wandering from moment to moment, following the footsteps of my heart.  Believe me, those days are few and far between, and for this reason, highly treasured. 
     Being thankful for each day is a promise I made to myself long ago when I was a teenager sitting alone in the doctor's office. I had just been told I would be hospitalized for a very serious condition, which thankfully I have fully recovered from.  Sitting quietly in the cold and sterile room waiting to be admitted, frightened and suddenly aware I was not invincible.  Life no longer seemed endless and unstoppable.  I realized in that moment, how fortunate and unbelievably blessed we are to have the opportunity for each and every day.
Here I am numerous years later, no longer a scared teenager, a mother of 3 children, independent healthy and strong.  I am ever so grateful for the many life experiences which have brought me to this place in time.  Knowing my courage to survive, overcome, to greet each day with an open heart, was  directly born out of the ashes of darker days gone by. However this day unfolds, I accept it gladly for the glorious gift I know it to be.  I wish the same peaceful acceptance for you.
'Good Morning Everybody, It's a New Day!'
 May You Walk In Beauty