Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Princess and the Pebbles

     My children and I often enjoy camping out in the great outdoors.  I am pretty good about handling some of the inconveniences of going primitive, but I must admit to spending a lot of time and energy on my sleeping comfort.  By the time our van is packed and we are ready to set out on our grand adventure, I can barely see over the huge pile of blankets and foam pads that I insist on bringing.  I tell my children every time as we are lugging the heavy mountain of luxury bedding from house to van -to tent -to van again -and then back into the house...that I am like the Princess and the Pea.  You know, the fairy tale where only a True Princess could feel a tiny pea under her 20 mattresses.  I can't see their faces behind the stack of comforters they stagger under, but I am almost positive they don't find this to be in the least bit amusing.
 I could end this short story right now and I am sure you would be quite content learning this new and important detail about my life.  However if you have come to know my style thru some of my writings you
will know that I do have a point to this silliness.
   My ability to feel small pebbles and sticks is really a bigger clue to my new found sensitivity in understanding my level of tolerance of what I will now accept in my life.  When I was younger I did not have the same keenness or discernment as I do now.  My world was an open window in which many strange birds flew in, coming and going whenever they pleased.  I welcomed these new experiences and found that living from a place of not knowing what could come next was quite exciting... but not always.  Now as a slightly older and much wiser version of myself, I have come to realize that my energy and time are extremely precious and not to be lost through careless or unwanted indulgences.  Armed and ready with my well earned expertise I can evaluate rather quickly whether something, or someone, will need way too many fluffy barriers between us for it to be a good or healthy connection . I am not saying I am closing myself off to new experiences, for to live otherwise would be a quick ending to my joyful days.  I am merely professing to being a lot more perceptive in my ability to recognize the sticks and stones that may interfere with my cushioned comfort.
 Being a True Princess has its usual sacrifices, but a sound sleep shouldn't be one of them.